Rules and Responsibilities

As much as we trust our gardeners, we still need to enforce a few rules to keep order in the community garden. Failure to meet these obligations can result in losing your plot.

  1. A Haddonfield resident must maintain the plot.
  2. Plots must be maintained throughout the growing season, which runs from April 15th to November 15th
  3. You must be actively gardening by May 1st or your plot will be given to the next person on the waiting list.
  4. The path next to your plot must be weeded and the wood chips refurbished throughout the season.
  5. You must be at your plot the entire time that you are watering, and turn the water off at the station and pump when you are finished.
  6. Your garden must be cleared of all equipment & plastic sheeting before the second Saturday of November or forfeit your plot.
  7. No plastic fencing is permitted.
  8. Weed killer may not be used.
  9. Organic methods are strongly encouraged.
  10. Gardeners are responsible for the amendment, enrichment and/or adjustment of the soil within their individual plots as required for the crops they choose to grow.